Copyright and the procedure for placing Flash games on the site


Flash games are already an established branch from the main directions in the gaming industry, which are so popular due to their mobility and accessibility.

In accordance with the legislation in force in our country, as well as in the countries of the European Union, copyright protection applies to this type of computer (browser) games.

Our site https://xgamerss.com/flash/ as a whole and with the "FLASH Games" section adheres to the established legal norms and does not place software on a commercial basis without the corresponding agreement with the copyright holder for a specific game product.

All games located in the section indicated above were obtained from copyright sources that are publicly available on the Internet.

They are posted on a free basis, and these actions are not aimed at obtaining commercial or any other material and non-material benefits and preferences.

We turn to the developers of flash games, as well as to those who are the patent holder or a person who has exclusive copyright.

If, having visited our site https://xgamerss.com, you came to the conclusion that the placement of the game violates your rights (exclusive or non-exclusive), please kindly inform the site administration about this by writing to the email info@xgamers.com free form email.

For developers

If you are a developer, or one of the persons whose categories are indicated above, and want to place your project on the site https://xgamerss.com, please send a detailed description of the game and all the attached instructions to the email: info@xgamerss.com.

The administration of the site https://xgamerss.com carries out its work in accordance with applicable law, and also requires compliance with established standards by users.
