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Genshin Impact – Lisa: builds, weapons, skills


Lisa is a playable Electro Character in Genshin Impact that uses a Catalyst. Lisa works as a Librarian in Mondstadt and often supports the Knights of Favonius in their work.

Genshin Impact – Lisa: builds, weapons, skills

Basic information

Character Type: damage, support.

Element: Electro.

Weapon: Catalyst.

Rarity: 5 stars (the highest).

Character Tier: C (high).

She is an intellectual witch who can never take enough naps. As Ordo Favonius' librarian, Lisa always knows what to do to get you to stop being disturbed. As much as she loves to sleep, Lisa always finds time to keep everything in a peaceful, spiritual order.

Genshin Impact – Lisa: builds, weapons, skills

Lisa is a slender young woman with a lush figure. She has medium-length wavy blond hair, green eyes, and fair skin. She is dressed in a purple and white dress with slits on the sides, decorated with gold embroidery and a short cape with translucent sleeves, fastened on the chest with a pendant depicting her God's Eye. She also wears black lace stockings and a purple pointed hat, decorated with a rose at the brim and a lantern chime at the tip. The outfit is completed by purple gloves up to the middle of her forearms and a belt with a gold buckle in the form of a rose. The ends of her hair are gathered into a ponytail and secured with a rose. Often carries a blue book of spells.


Lisa becomes one of the first characters to join the Traveler. When Ember brings the Traveler to Mondstadt and he helps fight off the Storm Terror, he is met by prominent figures of the Ordo Favonius: Jinn, Keia and Lisa. Together they decide to destroy the elemental currents in the ruins of the ancient temples, which should weaken the Terror of the Storm. Lisa accompanies the Traveler on an expedition to the Eagle's Gate, after the completion of which she finally joins the party.

In Mondstadt, Lisa asks the Traveler to help her return some books to the library. Together they walk through the town, reminding the residents that they forgot to return the books. This mission becomes a "date" of sorts, as Lisa flirts with the hero and encourages him to give her gifts and treat her to lunch. Eventually it is discovered that the last missing book was stolen from the girl who took it, and Lisa and the Traveler go in search of it.

Genshin Impact – Lisa: builds, weapons, skills

Best Build, Weapon

Lisa uses Electro and making powerful Elemental reactions. We recommend you to use Lisa as a burst support.

Recommended Weapon for Electro DPS.

The Best Artifact.

Artifact Stats, that we recommend to use:

  • CRIT Rate;
  • ATIK;
  • Elemental Mastery.

Burst support – Build.

Lisa uses a great and powerful burst, which can destroy a group of enemies in a single shot.

Artifact stats:

  • CRIT Rate;
  • ATK;
  • Energy Recharge.

Best Team for Lisa

Lisa obtain a great power of element Electro, which is very useful with Hydro, Geo and Anemo heroes.

Premium stack of heroes.

DPS: Lisa.

Sub-DPS: Xingqiu.

Support: Sucrose.

Support: Zhongli.


  • Zhongli will be able to prevent Lisa from being staggered. This is especially important when fighting in areas where there is Hydro around and can cause Lisa to be electrified by her own attacks.
  • Xingqiu is the current best Hydro support for Lisa since this will allow her to continuously proc Electro-Charged without switching between characters too much.
  • Make sure to Swirl Electo with Sucrose's Elemental Skill to increase its elemental damage and proc the increase in Elemental Mastery as well. Her Burst can also mitigate the push back Lisa's Burst.
  • Lisa will be the on-field DPS, mainly supported by her Sub-DPS. Since she can easily proc Electro, have her combo with Xingqiu as much as possible.

Genshin Impact – Lisa: builds, weapons, skills

Free-to-play party.

DPS: Lisa.

Sub-DPS: Beidou.

Support: Barbara.

Support: Anemo Traveler.


  • For this comp, Lisa would act as a Sub-DPS than a main DPS. Best to use to start engagements against enemies from a distance.
  • Beidou will be the Main DPS. Similar to the Taser comp, the team is meant to deal most of its damage through Electro-Charged attacks.
  • Barbara will be the trigger to the Electro-Charged. When you decided to engage in close combat, use her Skill, then switch to Beidou to continuously apply Hydro while also attacking with Beidou.
  • The Anemo Traveler can easily group up enemies both with her Skill and her Burst. Best use of her Burst is as a lead up to Lisa's Burst.

Ascension Materials for Lisa


Materials for Level-up.

Enemy Drops: Slime Condensate, Slime Secretions, Slime Concentrate.

Domain Drops: Teaching of Ballad, Guide To Ballad, Philosophies of Ballad.

Big Boss Drops: Dvalin`s Claw.


Genshin Impact – Lisa: builds, weapons, skills

Passive talents.


Lisa – Pros and Cons

Lisa, despite her freebies, is quite an interesting character. If you unlock her potential, you can effectively use the character to close most of the content available in the game.

The advantages of the librarian Ordo Favonius:

  • A starter character - available to absolutely everyone;
  • Can constantly maintain Electro status on enemies;
  • Deals damage with his Burst without being on the battlefield;
  • Lowers enemies' defense;
  • has a large enough attack radius to distance themselves from enemies;
  • Reduces resource consumption when using the alchemy table.

However, there are some obvious drawbacks to the game:

  • high risk of knocking down charged attacks, both from your hand and with an elemental skill;
  • difficult to get copies of the character to pump constellations;
  • many newcomers to character control seem to be the most difficult among the free ones;
  • Long elemental skill cooldown;
  • Needs a shield or intense debuffing.

How to play

Genshin Impact – Lisa: builds, weapons, skills

Lisa deals damage primarily through elemental skill mechanics. Your task is to summon the Conductor status three times, and then with one fully charged E-skill deal a lot of Electro damage. Don't forget reactions, underhandedness, and, if possible, shielding. The Burst allows other characters to enter the field and react with constant Electro status. This will increase Lisa's own elemental damage.

Lisa, in her role as a Support, must squeeze the Burst and leave the battlefield. Of course, you can combine this ability with the elemental skill, but when you have another main DD, there's no need. Then the goal becomes to pump up elemental skill and energy recovery, as well as to use catalysts that buff squad members when you change the active character.
